Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Must See TV

I don’t know a person my age that can’t agree that television has shaped our lives, unless you’re Amish. But then I would wonder why you’re reading this. Perhaps you’re Breaking Amish?? Anyways, TV has shaped me to the extent that I’m not even sure if I would be who I am today had it not been for TV. And personally I think that is not a bad thing. At all.

Growing up we had basic cable. That meant as kids we were living high on the hog watching lots of Nick at Night. Our summers were defined by Dobie Gillis reruns because “he wants a gal who’s dreamy; Dobie (!) wants a gal to call his own!” I know the entire theme song to The Patty Duke show. Test me. (There's Cathy who is be most everywhere…..) Oh and my middle sister started her obsession with aprons because of Donna Reed. Needless to say I guess TV ruled our summers along with late night swimming, swap coolers battling AC and ice cream straight outta the tub. Later in life it was MTV where I watched the first season of The Real World when one of my best friends at the time came to middle school saying “I get to be a whor-rah.” Oh and glued to the Kurt Cobain suicide coverage even though my sister and my Mom made fun of me! I digress.

There were also blips on the cable memory where one of premium channels would do a free weekend as a sampler. So for an entire weekend we were glued to HBO or Cinemax or whatever else was free. This is where we first watched Soap Dish, Just One of the Guys and The Burbs, which easily is one of the most quoted movies of all time between my sister and me. In fact I would bet that if I called her right now and said “Hey, Pinocchio, where’d ya think you’re going?” She would respond with “It came with the frame” or “What’d ya think they’re eating over there Ray?”

So anyways, it was during one of these lovely freebie weekends I discovered this….
If you have never seen this movie, stop right now and go find it on Netflix or Hulu or wherever else you find random movies on. John Waters brings together Johnny Depp, Rikki Lake, Iggy Popp, Tracy Lords, Polly Bergen …so much random hilarity!
Crybaby, which can only be said in a hillbilly yell “CRRIIIIIIIBAAAAYAAABEEEEE”, was my first introduction to satire comedy and I fell in love. And it’s my favorite John Walters movie (not that I can think of anymore….). The first time I saw this movie I started watching it probably 20 minutes after it started and was confused. Was it supposed to be funny or was this just a really bad movie? Well it was hilarious, and silly and stupid and there were songs! Great wonderfully stupid songs! Looking back from the vantage point of time I realized that this movie impacted me more than it should have. I realize that I thought flirting was what Lenore did (“Look Crybaby you scorch me man”) and I’m pretty sure that my innate dancing skills came from the entire cast. Which would explain why I dance hideously.
Kinda like this….
So many great lines from this movie!Hysterectomy pants I call them!”Whiffles!” (Which was a haircut according to my Mom)Inga’s mater and vater will treat you just like one of the family, ja Inga? Ja? Ja? Ja?”“Ya caught me in my burday suit! Butt neckette!”“I’m gonna see you in hell my friend. HAHAHA Go on and get on out there!”“Wanda, honey, you sure are pretty in those tight close all painted up like trash!”I will forever announce people like Grandma Ricketts, in my head that is. And oy and when he drinks the cup of tears I gag every time! I love reliving old movies and TV shows.  Its a nice warm trip down memory lane.  Back to a time when we were silly and funny and not too judgmental.  What is your favorite movie from your younger days????

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